Faith Formation

Here at St. Stephen Parish, we strive to provide a program that is both instructive and fun! We recognize at these formative years, that relationship with each other and the Church community is vital in how our children encounter Christ and His teachings. We have a dynamic and committed staff of teachers, lay and clergy, whose goal is to joyfully engage your child and plant the seeds of faith, which they will carry with them their whole life.

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen." (2 Peter 3:18)

Our Aim

This ministry helps parents to fulfill the promises they made at their child's baptism by teaching children the riches of our Catholic faith and helping them to come to know and love Jesus more fully through the sacraments.

Our Staff

When We Meet

Faith Formation/RCIC 2024-2025

Parent's Meeting is Friday, September 6th at 6:00 PM in Briscoe Hall.

Parents are REQUIRED to attend the parent classes in the Parish Hall at the same time the children are in class.

Classes will begin Sunday, September 15th and will be Every Sunday

English classes will be 10:15 - 11:45 AM
Spanish classes will be 12:15 - 1:45 PM 

The 5th Sunday of each month is reserved for special events, so there will not be classes on those Sundays.

*We will need a copy of the children's Baptism certificate before your child can attend classes (birth certificate if not baptized).

Please bring it to the Parish Office*

Formación de Fe 2024-2025

¡Gracias por inscribirse en nuestro Programa de Formación de Fe!

Reunión de los Padres en español es el lunes, 9 de septiembre a las 6:00 PM en el salón parroquial.

Los Padres deben asistir a la clase de padres en el salón parroquial al mismo tiempo.

Las clases comenzaran el domingo 15 de septiembre. Las clases serán todos los domingos.

Las clases de formación en

Inglés serán de 10:15 a 11:45 AM.

Las clases de formación en

español serán de 12:15 a 1:45 PM.

El quinto domingo del mes está reservado para eventos especiales y no habrá clases esos domingos.

*Necesitamos una copia del certificado de bautismo del niño antes de que comiencen las clases (certificado de nacimiento si no está bautizado).

Register Early and Save!

¡Regístrese pronto y ahorre!

Registration Deadline is September 18th!
¡El último día para inscribirse es el 18 de septiembre!

Fees for FFF/RCIC

Early Bird Fee:

Cuota de inscripción Temprana:


$100.00 (until August 5th)

$100.00 (hasta el 5 de agosto)

Regular Fee:

Cuota Regular:


$125.00 (until September 18th)

$125.00 ((Hasta el último día de 18 de septiembre)